Preattack Warning Behaviors in the Digital Space: A Case Study of a Fame-Seeking Rampage Shooter

Autor*innen Mirko Allwinn, Sonja King, Sina Tultschinetski, Thomas Görgen
Organisation/Institut Bundeskriminalamt
Fachgebiet Psychologie
Einsendeart Ersteinsendung des Projekts
Projektstand Offen
Forschungseinrichtung(en) Behördlich
Publikationsformate PDF
Projektbeginn 01/09/2023
Projektende 31/10/2024
Drittmittelförderung Nein
Mittelgeber /
Zentraler Phänomenbezug Radikalisierung (allgemein)


Some perpetrators of serious targeted violence publish self-testimonies in the period leading up to their attack, expressing their intention to commit a violent act. This is especially true for so-called “fame seeking mass shooters.” This single case study examines whether such materials offer opportunities for threat assessment. For this purpose, publicly available documents of the online activities of an American rampage killer were examined on a large scale for the presence of any warning behaviors using Meloy’s et al. (2012) warning behavior typology. The material included posts that had been published on YouTube, Twitter, and a Columbine fan forum long before the crime. Furthermore, there were self-testimonies in the form of audio files and scanned diary pages that he had uploaded immediately before the shooting.

Phänomenbereich Phänomenunspezifisch (kein ausdrücklich ausgewiesener Phänomen- bzw. ideologischer Bezug)
Forschungsmethodik Qualitatives Forschungsdesign
Inhaltlicher / Thematischer / Empirischer Zentralfokus (primär) Person
Erhebungsverfahren Dokumentenanalyse, Erhebung in der virtuellen Welt
Auswertungsverfahren Inhaltsanalyse, Fallanalyse

Zitation des Projekts
Allwinn, M., King, S., Tultschinetski, S., & Görgen, T. (2024). Preattack warning behaviors in the digital space: A case study of a fame-seeking rampage shooter. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management. Advance online publication.


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